Registrations are open to all ages and abilities. Children must be aged 7 years old in order to register and play in competition netball. We have teams in all age sections as well as mixed teams and evening ladies teams.
Please Note that due to COVID, Casey Stadium have now stipulated that all visitors to the stadium over the age 12 years and 2 months must be double vaccinated in order to enter, unless a medical exemption applies.
Registration has now changed as the new Netball Connect platform is rolled out. Registrations are completed via a form that is emailed to you. To obtain a registration form, please email our club registrar on
In addition to registering and your season fees, players must also purchase a VNA through Netball Victoria. This is an insurance for players in case of injury while training or playing netball. All players, coaches and committee members must hold a current VNA. The VNA is valid for the calendar year in which it was purchased and must be purchased each year.
All registration enquiries to be sent to our registrar